From the Otley Museum collection
Airedale & Wharfedale Family History Society
Finding New Routes to Trace Your Old Roots
From the Otley Museum collection
Ascension Day.
Back row 3rd for the right Miss Margaret Aldred, English teacher.
Back row extreme left could be Stanley Greaves. He was living at 4 Birchwod Avenue Keighley at the time of the 1939 register.
I recently came across an old notebook from 1973 with notes of my searches which led me to my grandmother’s baptism in a Methodist Chapel in North Norfolk. Previously, I had found her birth certificate and had searched many, many parishes looking for her baptism. This led me to never discount non-conformity.
Over the years whenever an enquirer poses a research problem concerning missing baptisms or a marriage, I will often recommend looking at Methodist, Baptist or Congregational records. Alas, the answer is invariably, “My lot were all C of E.” When you consider the number of Methodist chapels, often two or three to the one parish church, the likelihood is most families must have spent some time with one of the three denominations.
Methodism was all embracing, not just church on Sunday. They ran bible classes, ladies’ clubs, men’s clubs, amateur dramatics, cubs, brownies, guides scouts, football & cricket teams etc, etc. They certainly knew how to make use of their buildings and facilities.
Since our feature article in the July issue of Family Tree Magazine, which proved a useful prompt for new members, here are a selection of Methodist records we have added to our members database:
We have a further 2,000 baptisms and over 500 marriages from similar sources to add in the near future. A full list of those already included is shown in our Member’s Database at awfhs.org.
Our success in continuing to record this amount of historical data is largely due to the commitment our members, many of whom live beyond these shores.
Men Who Served in the Great War
Skipton Methodists 1939
If you have ancestors from Malhamdale the website www.kirkbymalham.info does provide alot of sources for researchers. Of particular interest is the “History of Education in Malhamdale” section. Plenty of information about the various schools and old photographs, such as those shown below:
Airton School
Mr Winnerah and Miss Bell with the Kirkby Malham United School pupils circa 1927
Malham Tarn School c1900
Kirkby Malhamdale United School 1908
senior class with Mr Albert K Turner, the head teacher of the United School.
Hello All, Now that we appear to have completed all the available school admission registers, I have been searching for other sources we can transcribe. I have come across an excellent register of local volunteers from World War One. It is an excellent source as it starts in 1914 (between census years) and gives a lot of personal information. Please see below. I have already made a start, transferring the information into a spreadsheet.
There are approximately 500 records, so plenty to go at. If you can help please contact me.