Wike School Logbook Extracts October 1880 to December 1885

Held at Leeds Archives


29th October 1880 Emily Smith and Frederick William Pratt left to go to Clifford.  Their father having got employment there.

12th November Scholars have been kept from school picking turnips.

26th November George Umpleby left.  Ann and Emma Crowther admitted.

3rd December Ernest Hargreaves admitted, born 5th April 1876.


7th January David Hartley admitted, born 22nd October 1876.

29th April Several scholars in the fields planting potatoes.

27th May Admitted Lucy Snowden born 10th September 1877, Bertha Bulman born 22nd November 1876.

3rd June John William Gill left to go to work.

8th June Ada Brewerton absent the whole week.

22nd June Several of the older scholars haymaking.

14th October Ada Brewerton left being between 13 and 14.   Admitted Francis T Goodburn born 15th June 1877.

4th November Edith Demain and Arthur Noble absent all week.

18th November John Newton above 13 left to go to work.

26th November G Haigh’s 4 children absent in consequence of sickness.

16th December Mary Ellen Tyers born 11th September 1874 and Elsie Tyers born 15 March 1876 admitted.


6th January Admitted Ben Leeming Gill born 16th August 1876.

7th February Arthur Haigh 14 years of age and William Henry Hargreaves above 13 years of age, both capable of passing the 4th standard, left to go to work.

10th March Edith Demain, being over age and well advanced, left for work.

31st March Hannah E Bulmer and Annie Snowden both left, could pass the 4th standard and of age.

28th April Emily Ann Hargreaves born 8th August 1877 admitted.

26th May Ellen Newton admitted born 11th August 1877.  Kate Clough admitted born 18th January 1877.

8 June Ann Crowther sick, Emma Crowther visiting.   W T Haigh at work this week.

16th June Emma Crowther visiting.

23rd June Arthur Noble absent all week.

30th June Mary Ellen Tyers absent the whole week.

7th July    W T Haigh at work all week.

14th July Herbert Adkin admitted born 10th June 1877.  Ann Crowther & W T Haigh absent the whole week.

21st July Ann Crowther and W T Haigh absent all week.

28th July Colin Greaves at work all week.

4th August Lila Demain, Kate Clough & Fredk Roundell sick all week.

18th August W T Haigh at work and Kate clough sick all week.

4th October Admitted John Henry Haigh.

20th October Kate Demain mother ill, Emma Crowther sick.

27th October Ann Crowther and Lila Demain absent.

3rd November Lila Demain absent and Emma Crowther sick the whole week.

17th November E Crowther sick the whole week.

8th December Heavy snowfall, heaviest for 35 years, scholars could not attend.


2nd March Henry Newton left to go to work, going to Sicklinghall.

9th March James and Bertha Bulman have left the place and gone to Rothwell.  Lila Demain absent the whole week.

16th March Mary Ann & Ellen Newton have left the place to go to Sicklinghall.

6th April John William Marston admitted, born 5th November 1877.

13th April A R Gill on a visit to her grandmother and M A Haigh absent.

27th April AR Haigh, AM Gill, S Hartley & JW Marston sick all week.

4th May  A R Gill, Arthur Haigh absent.  JW Marston sick with whooping cough.

25th May Admitted Thos. Wm. Johnson, Henry Edgar Johnson aged 7 & 6, also Jos. Henry Gill aged 5 years.  Arthur Whitford absent the whole week.

1st June Admitted Annie Sarah Tyers aged 5 years.

8th June Mary Ann, Herbert E & John Henry Haigh absent all week.  John Wm. Marston whooping cough.  JW Marston still sick.

15th June Tyers children gone to Shadwell having disagreed with the next door neighbours children.

22nd June L Demain absent the whole week.

29th June L Snowden ill all week, L Demain & F Goodburn absent.

6th July A Crowther, L Demain & FG Goodburn absent all week.  Admiited Elizth., Annie & Mary J Roberts, ages 8,6,4.

27th July Mary Roberts 4 yrs old too young left.

12th October 32 scholars on the register, attendance 17, the corn not yet in.  Lila Demain and Ann Crowther left school , over age.  Emily Hargreaves died with Scarlet Fever 30th September 1883.  9 absent in consequence of fever.

9th November Frances Thos. Goodburn died 12th November 1883 in his 8th year with Scarlet Fever.

16th November Amelia Wetherall admitted aged 11 years.  Elizabeth & Annie Roberts, Isabel & Kate Mawson and Ernest Hargreaves absent with fever.


7th January Admitted Mary Wetherill 6yr 7m, Mary Jane Roberts 5y 2m, Robert Taylor Snowden 5y.  Ada Lavinia clough, Mary Ann Haigh, Isabel Kate Mawson & Fred Roundell absent all week.

10th April 5 reported sick – E Crowther, AE Marston, JW Marston, G Noble & MB Taylor.

18th April E Crowther, AE Marston, JW Marston, Mary Snowden absent all week.

25th April colin Graves and Mary Snowden absent.  Mary Snowden left.

9th June Francis Noble has scarlet Fever.

16th June 3 Haighs absent for fear of the fever – so they say.

23rd June E Crowther, 3 Nobles sick.  3 Haighs absent with whooping cough.

18th September The death of Mr Reeves during the holiday the school was conducted by Miss Reeves until Christmas 1884.


9th January I, Henry Noble———- took charge of the school from 5th January with 27 children attending.

16th January Arthur Whitfield a death and dumb mute began to attend this week.  Can understand signs.

13th February Mrs Haigh came o school with her two boys.

10th April Sarah F Knapton and John William Knapton left, gone to live in Moortown.

24th April Mrs Wade of Beech Grove sent to see if we could take a boy into school and board him.

8th May The School Attendance Officer called on Wednesday and paid for Widow Marston’s three children at 1/4d per attendance.

19th June Asked Mr T E Wade, Forshort House, the Churchwarden & Surveyor of Highways if he would call to verify the registers.

20th November Emily Snowden absent all week mother ill.