Held at Slaidburn Archives
26th June I have removed Jane Walmsley’s name from the register.
1st September Admitted George Robinson.
3rd September Admitted John Carr.
7th September Admitted Fredk Moorhouse.
8th September Hannah Hey readmitted after twelve months absence.
14th September Holiday this afternoon to allow children to attend the funeral of an old scholar, Bessie Shepherd.
26th October Removed the names of Thomas and Henry Carr.
22nd January Removed the names of Thomas and Ellen Wightman from the register.
23rd March John and Richard Hey were really present this afternoon and in time for their mark, mistake discovered when comparing number on the register to number present.
26th April Lily Swales attendance this afternoon cancelled because she left school before the expiration of the two hours.
14th June Mary Simpson took ill suddenly. Sent her into the house to lie down for a time.
22nd August Admitted Mary Agnes Robinson.
31st October Charles Sedgwick returned to school after an absence of eight weeks caused by having his arm broken by a cow.
10th November Gave a certificate to the effect that M E Wolfenden had passed standard 5.
6th March John Hey called today to say they were leaving the parish this week and would not be able to attend any longer.
30th March Informed that F Wood has the measles. He has now been away 5 weeks.
4th April Dr Smythies of Clitherow said that Fred Wood has scarlet fever and he would grant a certificate. Fred’s brother died of the same complaint.
8th May Mrs Moorhouse called today to inform me that Major would not be able to present himself for examination.
26th May Removed the names of Fred and Alice Moorhouse from the register.
14th August Opened school after five week’s holiday. Removed the names of S E Robinson and Mary Simpson from the registers.
28th August Fred Wood returned to school today after 24 weeks absence through scarlet fever.
22nd September Removed Mary Earnshaw’s name from the register.
26th September George Harrison returned to school after 15 week’s absence.
6th October Eunice Carr has left school to assist her parents.