Draughton School Logbook Extracts 1900 to 1914

Held At North Yorkshire Record Office at Northallerton
Catalogue Reference S/DRA 1/1
7TH August 1900 Miss Edith Sander, Article 50, commenced her duties today as Assistant Mistress at this school. Two pupils, Annie Cockshutt and Sarah Pratt have each obtained a three year scholarship for Skipton Grammar School. This is the first time a scholarship has been obtained at this school.
8th August 1900 Owing to some unpleasantness with a woman in the village, Miss Sander has sent in her resignation. The woman asserted that Miss Sander had struck her child on the head, the assistant indignant at the charge, denied it and resigned.
22nd June 1903 Miss Annie Cockshutt, a young girl of fifteen, came to help with the younger children, until an assistant is appointed.
26th June 1903 Owing to two cases of scarlet fever having occurred, school was closed suddenly this morning, week early for the midsummer holidays.
18th September 1903 Miss Annie Cockshutt still continues to render help in school. Her services are of value; for she keeps her class in good order and is very hardworking and keenly interested in her duties.
27th April 1906 Seven children have left the school this week. Four have left the village, the families having removed to Skipton. Three are turned fourteen years of age. Edith Leeming, one of the three that have left has been appointed Monitress at the Skipton National School, Infants Department.
19th August 1910 Scholarships August 1910 – Margaret Inglis Sim has won a Petyt Scholarship, (full fees) at the Skipon Girl’s Grammar School.
Mabel Turford has won a Petyt Scholarship, half fees, available at the same school. Mabel Turford also passed the written test of the County Minor Scholarship. John Petty passed the written test for the Petyt Scholarship, available at Skipton Boy’s Grammar School.

31st October 1914 Today, two more families of Belgian refugees arrived. For these two more cottages have been prepared and furnished; one by the inhabitants of Halton East and the other by Mr J Wood of Close House. Mr Pratt of Skibeden, Mrs Wood and Mrs Cockshutt of Skipton, Mrs Harrison and Mr R Pratt. The Halton East villager of the Belgian refugees. In all there are now sixteen Belgians in Draughton.

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