Oakworth (Tewitt Hill) Bomber Memorial

Flt Sgt E I Glass   2285   Pilot

Flt Sgt J E Dalling   R/137946   Air Bomber

Flt Sgt J Henfrey   R/199823   W.OP/Air Gunner

F O J J McHenry   J/25563   Navigator

Sgt E Savage   R/2129   Air Gunner

Sgt N W Crawford   R/190343   Air Gunner


On January 2nd 1944 Wellington bomber BK387 of 82 OTU took off from RAF Ossington at 18.31 for an evening exercise in navigation. Encountered mist and low cloud before crashing at 22.40 into high ground at Tewitt Hill, Oakworth. No survivors – all taken for burial at Harrogate Stonefall cemetery.   This memorial was erected by Oakworth Village Society in July 1993.


Comparison with CMWG records and WR Chorley “Bomber Command Losses 1939-1945, Vol 9” reveals that the 3 Flt Sgts are listed as having the rank of W. O. Class II. Indeed, Chorley incorrectly shows the crash date for J Henfrey is 2.10.1944 (just a case of fat fingers!).