Major John Geoffrey APPLEYARD DSO MC and Bar. RASC the Commandos & the Special Air Regiment. Presumed killed in action Sicily 13th July 1943
Lieutenant Alfred Rutherford COOKE Royal Artillery. Died on active service 6th December 1945.
Captain Graham HAYES MC of the Border Regiment Paratroops Special Service Commandos. Reported missing September 1942. Killed in action 13th July 1943
Flying Officer Malcolm C HAYES Royal Artillery and the RAFVR. Killed in action in France 20th February 1943.
Flight Sergeant RH HEYDON 179 Squadron Coastal Command. Missing night of 12/13 June 1944. Presumed killed in action.
Flight Sergeant Sydney N HILDER RAFVR Pathfinders. Missing presumed killed in action 6th November 1944
Flight Sergeant William Leslie HILDER Pilot RAF Bomber Command. Missing presumed killed in action 16/17 March 1945