Appletreewick Skyreholme Day School Logbook Extracts 1878 to 1880

Held At North Yorkshire Record Office at Northallerton

Catalogue Reference S/APT


8th January Sent to enquire why Hannah A Whitford was away from school this afternoon and received word that her mother was going to keep her away half-day and send her to school the other half.  She is 11 years of age and has no work other than what her mother finds her to do at home.

14th January Admitted two fresh scholars today.

15th January Admitted three more scholars today.

22nd February The greater part of the scholars away this week on account of the prevalence of scarlet fever in Appletreewick.

22nd March Received notice that Mrs Inman intends sending her children again.

26th March Only one of the Inmans came today.

4th April Sent to enquire the cause of absence of Bessy Whitford when a message came back that “I had no business to send after her at all.”

8th April John, Thomas and Mary Jane Raw have left on Friday last.  They have gone to live at Hebden again.

10th April Re-admitted Matilda Jane Whitford this morning.

29th April Admitted Isabella Whitaker this morning.

2nd September Admitted Sarah Williamson today

3rd September Admitted Olive Hawley today.

13th September Admitted Agnes Birch today.

16th September Re-admitted Alice and Jane Inman this morning and Dina Inman this afternoon.

24th September Admitted Herbert Hawley today.

14th October Admitted Richard Ewing and Fred Reynard today.

15th October Admitted Minnie Hawkins.

17th October Admitted Arthur Inman.

22nd October Sent for the Whitford’s school money but got nothing but a saucy answer from the mother.

5th December Mr T Lumb visited the school today.


6th January Admitted James Dunkin and John Bennetts.

14th February Attendance appears to be getting better again but some of the people will have to leave the district owing to the stoppage of the leadmines.

16th June Sent Maggie Whiteley home for her school money.  The mother has taken offence at this and is keeping the children away from school and she will have to do this until she pays the school money.

5th October Admitted Matthew Hudson today.

13th October Re-admitted Clara Whitaker today.

24th October Some of the children kept away preparing for the Feast

27th October Appletreewick Feast, holiday.

31st October Poor attendance owing to the Feast.

3rd November Admitted William Birch, William Darnbrough and Lily Whiteley and re-admitted Emily Birch.


13th February A number of children away, Chicken pox being prevalent in the district.

5th March Attendance poor due to Measles.

12th March Attendance poor due to Measles and Scarletina.

26th March Attendance worse, more children ill.

5th April Closed the school for the week on account of Measles and Scarletina.

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