Methodism & Methodists – Addingham

By: Stanley Merridew

Addingham, along with most Wharfedale villages was visited by travelling Methodist preachers from the middle of the eighteenth century.

Grimshaw, Colbeck, Maskew and John Wesley all preached in the village.  One of those converted at the time was Thomas Lee.  Born in Silsden, he served an apprenticeship in Addingham and became one of Wesley’s travelling band of preachers.

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Methodism & Methodists Adel & Harewood

By: Stanley Merridew


This linear village was part of the parish of Adel until 1865 when the village church was opened.  It is a good example of how the Church of England’s slow response to a rising population allowed nonconformists to thrive in communities remote from the parish church.  Arthington is three to four miles from Adel church, uphill virtually all the way.  Not an easy journey for a family with toddlers and elderly relatives in tow.

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