Members of the Wharfedale Family History Group transcribed the Memorial Inscriptions of St Peter’s Parish Church, Addingham in the summers of 1981 & 1982. These transcripts for the past fourteen years been retained in the Groups’ research records.
In preparing these transcripts for publication, for clarity and reduction in volume, I have edited the original transcripts and excluded lengthy verses which have no family history significance.
It should also be noted that I have introduced some abbreviations such as ILMO = In Loving memory of. IMO = In memory of, IR = In remembrance. IARO = In affectionate remembrance of, wdtl = Who departed this life, HLTBO = Here lies the body of , HLITBO = Here lies interred the body of .
Brian Clayton
Wharfedale Family History Group
December 1996
(Revised Print Oct 2005) – Uploaded to the AWFHS Research Database 2021 and the sketch maps have been added to this post.