1937 FLESHER, Vincent married VAUSE, Elsie Otley Parish Church

Airedale & Wharfedale Family History Society
Finding New Routes to Trace Your Old Roots
From the Wharfedale & Airedale Gazette
Miss Margery Sutherland, a former Rawdon matron died. She was the matron of the convalescent home in Craggwood for 20 years. Mr. Gilbert Frankland, the husband of Mrs. Frankland J.P. Mr. Wilfred Marshall of Yeadon died after working for Nunroyd Mills for 51 years.
A Royal Air Force aircraft crashed onto the farm of Mr. Stanley Stephenson at Riffa. The pilot and observer escaped uninjured.
Mr. Mrs George Terry, East View, Menston celebrated their golden wedding. Mr. Mrs. John Gall of the Jane Whiteley Memorial Houses Pool celebrated their diamond wedding but Mrs. Gall died 8 days later. Mr. Mrs. W Lupton 180 West Terrace, Burley celebrated their golden wedding.
Mr. Tom Hudson, described as the “Grandpa” of Yeadon Pantomime Company during shortly after the first performance of “Babes in the Wood.”
Yeadon was shocked by the news of the death of Mr. Herman Walmsley, Clerk to Yeadon Council for many years. Mr. Arthur Thornton, 53 of Pool Road died. He was the pioneer of daily bus service to Lawnswood in May 1921. Mr. John Edson of Bridge Avenue Otley age 78, an old Otley musician and electrician, died.
Mrs. H Naylor of Crowtrees, Rawdon bought as presented to Rawdon, “Ashbourne” Gladstone Road as a home for the District Nurse.
Mr. James Thompson, a well-known Yeadon engineer died aged 54, also Mr. John Lee died, a personality widely known as the “Umbrella Man”, died aged 84.
Mr. Mrs. Welburn of Terrace Horsforth celebrated their golden wedding.
Mr. WH Brooksbank of Rawdon was elected a member of the West Riding Couty Council for Yeadon by defeating Mr. R Hodgson of Horsforth. Mr. Brooke Pickard, the sitting member of the County Council was re-elected unopposed.
Mr. Mrs. H Dale of Guiseley celebrated their golden wedding.
Horsforth’s grand old lady Mrs. Faith Wilkinson died aged 94. Mr. Arthur Facer, a well-known Horsforth printer died age 44. Mr. George Nunns of Rawdon died aged 78 and Mr. J H Wood a leading personality at St Margaret’s Church and Mr. John William Almond, the last surviving founder of Woodside Comic Cricket match.
A red-letter day in the history of Rawdon Cricket Club with the handing over of the ground by the donor Mr. Heaton Naylor of Crowtrees, Rawdon.
At the first meeting of Aireborough Council, Mr. John Rennie of Rawdon was made Chairman and Mr. Fred Jackson of Yeadon Vice Chairman.
At Horsforth, to celebrate the Coronation a shelter was presented by Mr. Mrs. Mathieson.
An altar reredos at Guisley parish church was dedicated to the late Miss Howson. The following permanent officials have been appointed to Aireborough Council: Mr. E Jordan (surveyor) Mr. R T Haley (assistant surveyor) Mr. H Wilson (assistant clerk) Mr. James Farrar (sanitary inspector). The following collectors were also appointed: Messrs. Westcott (Rawdon) F Chaney (Yeadon) & J Ramsden (Guiseley)
The Whitsuntide gaiety was subdued at Horsforth by the death of Mr. S M Whitaker.
Mr. Mrs. Arthur Shore, Hall Lane, Horsforth celebrated their golden wedding.
At a meeting of Horsforth Council, a chairman’s badge of office was presented to the council by Mr. V Stanley Walker, the father of the present chairman, Mr. R G Walker.
At the annual hospital at Guiseley, Miss Joan Hawkridge was crowned rose queen. At the Rawdon Gala, Miss Marjorie Wilkinson was crowned queen of the fete.
Green Lane players reached the final of the Wharfedale Bowls Merit competition, W Harrison ultimately beating W Howarth. Horsforth Bowls competition was won by Mr. C Sutcliffe who defeated Mr. A Ward.
Miss Cowgill, a teacher at Guisley National school retired after 40 years as a teacher in local schools.
Mr. J T Clayton, Grand Master of the Red Rose Lodge Guiseley was honoured after completing 21 years in office.
Brothers married sisters in a Yeadon double wedding. The brothers were Mr. Harry Lawson who married Miss Mary Alice Rhodes and Mr. Willie Lawson who married Miss Evelyn Rhodes.
At Horsforth the Medical Officer of Health, Dr. H Bailey, presented his annual report, in which he called attention to the many overcrowded houses revealed in the survey.
Headlines in the national press reported the collision at Dunkirk involving the cross-channel steamer Princess Marie Jose in which two Guiseley brothers, Mr. R H Richardson & Mr. P M Richardson both members of Aireborough Council were travelling to the continent.
Mr. Mrs. Palliser of Rawdon and Mr. Mrs. D A Smith of Rawdon celebrated their Golden Weddings and Mr. Mrs. B Pilkington of Yeadon celebrated their diamond wedding.
Rawdon lost “landmark” personality by the death of Mr. Edmund Emsley aged 82. Horsforth’s Medical Officer of Health. Dr. Henry Bailey was married at Adel Church to Mrs. E Irwin of Highfield, Woodside.
At Horsforth Mr. Mrs. Sam Carter celebrated their golden wedding.
The King & Queen passed through the district on a visit from Harewood to Bradford. A special place was reserved for 2,000 Aireborough school children at Menston and happiest of all was Brian Nettleton age 8 on a spinal carriage who luckily had a splendid view.
Mr. C Cordingley handwork master at Aireborough Grammar School since it opened in 1910 retiired.
An engagement was announced between Dr. William W Pollock of Rawdon and Miss Margaret Yewdall, Horsforth. The golden wedding of Mr. Mrs. T S Newbould of Little London was celebrated.
A new cinema, The Glenroyal opened on New Road Side. A Horsforth man, Mr. E S C Jackson of Sussex Avenue, ran a quarter of a mile through the streets with a gashed artery caused by a broken bottle and narrowly escaped bleeding to death. Mr. Mrs. Joshua Briggs of Tranmere Park celebrated their golden wedding.
Guisley lost a familiar figure with the death of Mr. H Shepherd, newsagent and grocer.
Horsforth Council unseated member, Mr. F G Bibbings for non-attendance in six months. An aeroplane piloted by former a former Yeadon man, Acting Pilot Officer Gordon Dutton, an old scholar of Woodhouse Grove School, lost its way and Dutton was killed when it crashed into a house in Liverpool.
The sudden death of Mr. R B Thackray of Horsforth was a sad blow to the township. At Yeadon the death occurred at the age of 62 of Mr. Harry Smith, sometimes spoken of as the “Woolley of Yorkshire Cricket Club. Mr. Smith was the last of a Yeadon family which produced many fine local cricketers. Mr. J R Hardaker who died aged 84 had memories of playing before the days of parish matches.