Runners up of the Wharfedale Cricket League 1947

Back: W Hardie, G Butterfield, A Jackson, F Towers, J Wise, J Swann, J Butler, L Cook.
Front: A Wright, T O’Halloran, J Towers (vice-capt), J M Wise (capt), P Johnson, L Hainsworth, H Airton
Airedale & Wharfedale Family History Society
Finding New Routes to Trace Your Old Roots
Runners up of the Wharfedale Cricket League 1947
Back: W Hardie, G Butterfield, A Jackson, F Towers, J Wise, J Swann, J Butler, L Cook.
Front: A Wright, T O’Halloran, J Towers (vice-capt), J M Wise (capt), P Johnson, L Hainsworth, H Airton