3rd April 1916 These children have been examined by me and I find the following much behind the rest of the class in attainments; they have come directly from the 2nd class in the Infants School but owing to their age it has been thought advisable to promote them now:
Harry Hawkshaw, Hugh Roddam, Sam Stones, Chas. Houlden, Wm Conn, Jesse Gaunt, Marg. Croft, Phyllis Britton
Hannah Holmes has not been to school since before Christmas. Florence Lawson has been absent from the Infants School for eight weeks.
Standard 1 Mrs M Grimshaw CA 52
Standard 2 Miss M Waller CA 44
Standard 3 Mrs AB Horner CA 43
Standard 4 Mrs HA Hancock UA 46
Standard 5 Mrs N Murgatroyd CA 47
Standard 6 Mrs Bertha Jordan CA 45
Standard 7 WN Smith H7 39
4th July Winifred Young away from school suffering with diphtheria. Attendance has fallen considerably. Twelve children are absent from StV.
Mavis Fowler away ā diphtheria. George, Annie, Margaret Naylor have left the school. Harry Green away for school suffering with German measles.
14th July During the week attendance has fallen considerably. Two children Clarence Longfellow and Irene Levitt, Dickinson Street have been excluded from school since Tuesday because there has been a case of diphtheria in the street. The following children are away from school for the reason stated:
Emily Winterburn diphtheria St4
Harry Green German measles St4
Bertie Holland chicken pox St4
Clifford Vicars diphtheria St5
Kathleen Hixon diphtheria St5
Mabel Ashby diphtheria St5
Mavis Fowler diphtheria St5
Winifred Young diphtheria St5
Edgar Wade doubtful St1